Jack: "I would probably hit it another 20, 30, 40 yards I suppose."

Adam Himmelsbach quotes Jack Nicklaus at length, endorsing Tuesday's return of the PGA Championship Long Drive, which he still carries his winning-money clip from.

Regarding today's equipment, he was being modest here...

"I would probably hit it another 20, 30, 40 yards I suppose," Nicklaus said. "I would obviously hit it further because I mean, good gracious, when I was in my 50s, when I could still hit it a little bit, we were then using the metal woods and using a composite golf ball. And so I found that I was hitting the golf ball further then than I was in my prime. Obviously in my late 50s, I didn't have anywhere near the club head speed I had when I was in my 20s and 30s."

More like 50 or 60 yards.