When you come to think of it that is the secret of most of the great holes all over the world. They all have some kind of a twist. C.B. MACDONALD
Ryder Cup Should Be Fun: Rory On Phil & Rickie High-Fiving
/Fowler Says PGA Prez Apologized For Strange Valhalla Finish
/Video: 2014 PGA Championship Final Round "Quad Supercut"
/Bubba Apology Tour Kicks Off In New Jersey, Future Dates TBA
/Tringale DQ's Self Week After PGA, Forfeits $53,000
/Rickie Fowler (-32) Wins Majors In Aggregate Scoring
/CBS Shows All Of Phil & More Shots Than The Other Networks
/Loved Louisville...Valhalla? Not So Much...
/What If Sunday's Weird PGA Finish Had Affected Rory?
/Fivethirtyeight: "Rory McIlroy Could Be A Bigger Threat To Jack Nicklaus Than Tiger Woods"
/Fivethirtyeight.com's Benjamin Morris looks at a few different stats and presents graphs both fascinating and above my pay grade.Thanks to reader Steve D for passing along a piece that asserts "McIlroy has built up one of the best starts to a career in modern golf history, essentially matching the Golden Bear through age 25, and each day Woods moves farther away from his prime."
30.9 Million Watch PGA Final Round, Rating Up 30%
/The last three PGA Championship final round overnights: 4.4 2013 (Dufner Oak Hill), 3.9 2012 (Rory Kiawah), 4.3 (Keegan Atlanta). Sunday at Valhalla was up 30% (6.0) according to Deadline (thanks reader Pat). The refusal to move up tee times and finish into east coast prime time was a huge help, as was the dynamic finish.For Immediate Release from CBS:
Estimated 26.3 Million Watch All-or-Part of Sunday Coverage, Up 48% and Highest in Five Years
An estimated 30.9 million viewers (Persons 2+) watched all-or-part* of CBS Sports’ two-day coverage of the 2014 PGA Championship according to Nielsen Media Research, up 30% from last year’s 23.8 million; and up 42% from 21.8 million in 2012 when Rory McIlroy won his first PGA Championship. The 30.9 million was the highest number of viewers to watch all-or-part of the Network’s weekend coverage in five years (2009; 35.7 million).
CBS Sports’ coverage of the 2014 PGA Championship on Sunday, Aug. 10 was viewed in all-or-part by an estimated total audience of 26.3 million (Person 2+), up 48% from last year’s 17.8 million; and up 58% from 2012’s 16.6 million.
This year’s 26.3 million marks the highest number of viewers to watch all-or-part of the Network’s PGA Championship Sunday coverage in five years (2009; 29.0 million; Y.E. Yang won with Tiger Woods finishing second).
CBS Sports’ coverage of the 2014 PGA Championship on Saturday, Aug. 9 was viewed in all-or-part by a total audience of 12.9 million.
First 2014 PGA Championship Roundup Until The Next Roundup
/Ian Poulter Tweets That He’s Not Tweeting Anymore
/The whole British Airways spat that was never terribly interesting has exploded into word wars with some of his followers, so Ian Poulter has announced via a Tweet that he won't be Tweeting for now.
As a lot of you have abused my wife over my poorly worded tweet. Best thing is to not tweet. Goodbye for now.
— Ian Poulter (@IanJamesPoulter) August 10, 2014
Poulter assessed his Ryder Cup chances after the PGA final round. Gene Wojciechowski reports.