Catching Up With Ted Bishop...

As the PGA of America holds its annual meeting in Indianapolis near former PGA President Ted Bishop's home golf facility, Alex Miceli travels to The Legends to catch up with the ousted leader.

Miceli finds an upbeat Bishop looking ahead to the 2015 golf season.

This caught my eye...

Bishop has heard from many in the aftermath of his removal, inside and outside of the PGA of America. Some of what he heard is disquieting, but he is committed to taking everything he hears in stride. Bishop says he learned who his friends really are, not just from the firing but also from what occurred at Gleneagles and the Ryder Cup.

“From a PGA member standpoint, it's been appreciation for what I did as president of the PGA of America and how I affected,” Bishop said. “I think, a lot of PGA members' lives, at least from a relate-ability standpoint.”

Bishop said he felt as if he were on an island on the plane ride back from Scotland.