The Independent: Where Are The Jobs Mr. Trump?

While one section of the paper contemplates whether Andy Murray should be knighted (I can't sleep with worry), The Independent's John Sweeney looks at Donald Trump's pledge of a massive investment and job creation as the one-year anniversary of Trump International Scotland arrives this week.

To date, Mr Trump’s own representatives put the number at only 200 new jobs – and Panorama estimates on the basis of the latest accounts (to December 2011), that only £25m has been spent with just one golf course and a temporary clubhouse to show for it so far.

In 2008, Mr Salmond boasted: “The balance of opinion among people in the north-east of Scotland and among my constituents is very strongly in favour. And that’s because we can see the social and economic benefits.

“I mean, 6,000 jobs across Scotland, 1,400 local and permanent jobs here in the north-east of Scotland – that’s a very powerful argument which outweighs the environmental concerns.”

Mr Salmond admits that the lack of progress on the Trump estate has been a major setback given his support. He told Panorama: “I’m disappointed that the plans haven’t gone ahead as originally envisaged, I hope they will do.”