Steiny Hoping To Build Stable Of Clients

Mark Steinberg sits for an exclusive Q&A to his Executive Assistant Darren Rovell and besides the usual stuff about Tiger's endorsement partnerships being in great shape and offers out there for dollar figures in line with pre-11/27/09 numbers (group pause for eye roll here), he dictates to secretary Rovell plans to build a stable of players, though with restrictions in the IMG department.

Steinberg: I think our partnership, our collective partnership with Jeff, Casey and I, all the clients and everyone else at Excel, I think it’s an exciting dynamic. I think there’s a lot we can build on together. I think there’s a lot of ancillary business we can do together because of the synergy that we can create together. As I said, it’s a very agile company, 14 employees, and you know, clearly a very strong basketball presence, a strong baseball presence, and now a golf presence. It's my goal to build the golf presence similar to how Jeff and Casey have built the basketball and baseball businesses respectively. And I think we have a real good opportunity there and I want people to know that Excel is a destination for not just athletes but for corporations as well.

Darren: Does having Tiger help or hurt recruiting?

Steinberg: It certainly doesn’t hurt, I never really view it that way.

I don’t intend to walk into a room and say sign with Tiger Woods and I. Here’s what Excel has to offer you, here’s what I have done in the past, here is what my track record is, and this is what we’re going to do for you. And I think its going to be a great destination for top level, top line athletes and corporations.

I wonder how those pitch sessions will go to the parents of 20-year-olds?

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