Castle Stuart Got Double The Normal July Rainfall In One Day!

In this week's Pond Scrum, John Huggan and Steve Elling talk about last weekend's golf and in the midst of considering Luke Donald's chances this week, Huggan noted this about the Scottish Open rains.

Huggan: But 19 under is great playing by any standards. But it was so disappointing to see Castle Stuart so soft and defenseless because of the prodigious amounts of rain that fell. The area averages 50 mm for the whole of July and got double that in one day. It was a credit to the green keeping staff that it was playable at all.

Considering how many were critical that the course did not drain better ("It's not a links!" was the cry, as if this was a newsflash), that number ought to put the freakishness of the rain in perspective. Most courses would not have been playable for days.