Red Flag Special: Euro Tour Institutes New Gambling Policies

Doug Ferguson reports on new European Tour policies about gambling on the "product," but can't seem to get any answers as to why now.

Garland said the tour essentially needed to protect itself with a policy, especially in light of other scandals. Unlike the anti-doping policy, in which a six-month education process preceded the policy taking effect, the tour put it in the books immediately and will spend the next year talking to various people involved to make them understand.

"What we've seen in other sports is that it's the individual who's not at the top of the game that gets involved," Garland said. "It starts with information. Then it goes to, 'Can you do this for me and do that for me?' In the world of illegal gambling, these are high numbers people are talking about, and it may become tempting.

Uh maybe I'm missing something here, but the individual who is not at the top of his game is not going to be the object of bookmaker bets is he?