R.I.P. Tim Rosaforte
/Tim Rosaforte hard at work during the Association of Golf Writers dinner, St Andrews 2015 (Geoff Shackelford)
The longtime reporter has passed after a battle with Alzheimer’s disease. He was 66. Far too young but his needless suffering is over.
I wrote about Rosie here upon his retirement and stand by all of it and then some. We got off to a rough start but became friends and he was a super mentor to younger golf writers. And then, as a Golf Channel contributor where he was always humbly asking how he did or what he could do to get better. That humility on top of his work ethic made him one of a kind in our business.
Craig Dolch, his good friend and long time colleague, filed this wonderful remembrance of Rosie.
A few photos from my collection that I love. Especially the top one from the 2015 Association of Golf Writers dinner where Rosie was working late! (A wider version is below.)
Jaime Diaz remembers his longtime Golf World and Golf Channel colleague in this piece. I’ll post more as they come.
When I last saw Tim, in September in Florida, his short-term memory had faded, but he needed only a little prompting to remember people and places and moments from the past. Still easy company. He even chuckled a few times at a name or an old punch line. “We had a good time,” he said. “I hope I have more.” When he saw I was having trouble answering, the old empathetic interviewer returned, and he didn’t’ press. “You know,” he said, “it’s OK.”
Some images I found in my collection featuring Tim through the years: