Chris Powell's MacKenzie Reclamation Is Featured By The NY Times,

During the coronavirus pandemic Chris Powell became obsessed with restoring a lost Alister MacKenzie design in Wales and mowed enough down to play it…for a day.

Josh Sens at Golf filed this take on the wild story, with a definite bent toward golfers who will enjoy the details.

And in Sunday’s New York Times, Jack Williams filed a similar feature with photos by Phil Hatcher-Moore.

While others in Britain spent the past year or so navigating coronavirus lockdowns and picking up indoor hobbies, Powell estimated that he had spent roughly 1,000 hours roaming this land that was once his town’s local golf course — a site that closed more than five decades ago and has slowly been melding into the landscape ever since.

Thanks to Powell’s dedication to discovery and his skills as a one-man renovation team, he managed not only to identify all of the previous tees and greens, hidden among the hills and foliage, but also to repair the course to a playable state. There were surprises along the way, too — like the discovery of ties to a certain course in Augusta, Ga. — and now he and the group were ready to tackle the Rhayader Golf Links once more.

Anyway, both are super reads about a pretty fun story.