Phil On TV: "Commentating is not going drive me to be in the gym...or drive me to drink green juice."
/Phil Mickelson boards a VistaJet as a luggage handler brings his clubs along.
Phil Mickelson opened up to Forbes’ Mike Doic in less-than-subtle puff piece to plug his VistaJet partnership. And it yielded some gems.
On the possibility of moving into television commentary:
“I can see myself as an announcer because when I look at the game of golf, I see things that others don’t and I’m able to articulate it, and I think I’d be really good at it,” Mickelson says before backtracking a little on the idea.
“But it doesn’t bring out the best in me personally. Commentating is not going drive me to be in the gym, like this morning, or drive me to drink green juice. I envision being on the road and not being as accountable to my overall health. I really need the game of golf to push me and bring out the best in me.”
Wait until he sees how the camera adds 10 pounds. It’ll be celery shots for dinner.
And sounding as first world as one possibly can on a non-April 1 day, he talks of fractional ownership perks. We can all relate to this kind of freedom:
“When Amy and I would travel to the mountains to go ski, I would need to know months in advance when I was going to go, so that I could get a hangar. Otherwise, if the plane sits outside, things freeze and there is a huge additional expense that always comes up,” Mickelson explains.
“With, VistaJet, they handle that problem. We don’t have to tell them months in advance. We can tell them hours in advance, and they drop us off wherever we want to go and they deal with all the logistics,” he adds.
I’ve always said, it’s hangar rentals that just kill the joys of ownership.