Phil On Brady And Manning In Sunday's Match: "There is going to be a unique pressure"

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USA Today’s Steve DiMeglio talks to Phil Mickelson about Sunday’s charity match fearing Tiger Woods/Peyton Manning vs. Mickelson/Tom Brady.

I’ve heard some apathy at the event despite what could be huge amounts of charitable dollars raised, but lost in some of that is just how difficult this will be for Brady and Manning. After all, we saw loose shots from four elite players in last Sunday’s TaylorMade Driving Relief event, and Mickelson notes that the two legendary quarterbacks will undoubtedly be humiliated by the game on national TV.

This alternate-shot wrinkle puts a lot of pressure on Brady and Manning.

“I give them a lot of credit for putting themselves out there because there is going to be a unique pressure,” Mickelson said. “But that’s why it’s going to be so much fun, because we are going to have mishaps and we are going to have some bad shots and we are going to laugh at ourselves.”

Mickelson also said there will be plenty of ribbing, unlike the near silence during his and Woods’ first match in Las Vegas. Each of the four players will be mic’d up, with each riding in their own cart. There will be no caddies or spectators.

I wish they could revisit the carts part, as it was pretty refreshing watching Rory and friends carrying their clubs Sunday.