Roundup: Home Practice And Play Is Now A Golf Industry Sector

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The National Golf Foundation’s COVID-19 infograph page has been updated for the week of April 2020 and shows older golfers less supportive of stay-at-home golf course closures, while younger types are increasingly in support. The NGF has the number of courses open for play at 49%, up 1% from last week.

They also expanded their surveying of golfers to ask about home practice, which, no one likes, is now a sector of the industry. There are all sort of interesting things going on with home practice, rich guy simulators, possible simulator tournaments and even an app I’ve started testing that aims to for home practice what Calm does for meditation, ish. (More when it’s released.)

I’m also pleased to see in-home netting is a bit more attractive and pragmatic than the clunky contraptions of yesteryear.

MyGolfSpy has their “Best Golf Nets of 2020” now live, in case you’re in the market.

Brittany Romano and Courtney Kyritz at reviewed putting mats. Not much appears to have changed in that world with an exception or two.

Romano also highlighted a few affordably priced nets.

It’s taken me a while to share this one from reader Glenn who sent this Michael Croley Bloomberg story on in-home simulators. Which, warning, will probably make you feel very bad about yourself, unless you have the means to match one of those featured.

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