Bubba Watson Opens Up On Anxiety Issues: "I thought I was going to die"

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Bubba Watson spoke to USA Today’s Steve DiMeglio about anxiety issues that have crippled his game at times and sent the former world No. 2 to dark places he never imagined.

It’s an important read so hit the link. But the happy setup:

But Watson has emerged on the other side, saying he’s feeling as good as he has in a very long time. And helping him battle the anxiety is talking about it.

“I’ve sought help in many different ways, many different forms, trying to overcome it,” Watson said. “It really comes down to me being nuts. I’m trying to make light of it because using humor helps. But it’s all in my head. It’s all anxiety.

“I think more people are speaking out about mental issues and I want to be one of them. I think it’s the only way to get through it. We’re designed to talk to people, to air it out, and get help. I am old enough now to realize my life is a waste if I don’t share, if I don’t try to get better myself so I can help other people.”

Over the years, Watson has often said he needs help, that he fears many things, including flying, crowded spaces, the spotlight, and now COVID-19. He worries about being a good father, good husband, good Christian, a good friend.

Pure golf obervation here: Watson’s tee to fringe game looks to be in fine form. He was incredibly focused at the recent ZOZO Championship, noticeably calmer in demeanor and moving the balls in ways no other player can. Look out if the two-time Masters champion continues this trend and finds his touch on the greens in a couple of weeks.