With Win No. 20, Dustin Johnson Seems Destined For The WGHOF

Dustin Johnson’s major record from Wikipedia

Dustin Johnson’s major record from Wikipedia

Now, there are popularity issues that only the committees know how to work out behind closed doors, and we know there are many players who have been overlooked either because they were forgotten or they ruffled someone’s feathers.

But setting all of that aside, it appears with with No. 20, a U.S. Open, a strong major record and many years of good health and golf ahead, Dustin Johnson has carved out a Hall of Fame career. Assuming such things matter to players today, it’s still worth highlighting.

And hey, he’s getting in the Myrtle Beach golf HOF this week, joining his grandfather. So we know he passed one Hall’s character test!

Steve DiMeglio’s game story from Johnson’s second WGC Mexico City win in three years.