Analytics! What Is Team USA Doing To End The 25 Year Drought?

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Golfweek asked me to look into what Team USA has planned to overcome a 25-year Ryder Cup winless drought in Europe.

Sending the strongest team top-to-bottom in a few decades is a good start. Yet as noted, home course advantage and local knowledge deficiencies have hurt the Americans, with another European Tour venue hosting this year.

So get ready stat geeks, the USA has even more analytics than last time! From Captain Furyk:

“We had an issue with winning there for a little while,” Furyk said. “We have got 2016 under our belt, but what we haven’t been able to do in ‘99, and then again in ‘08, was turn around and go in on European soil. I know Jason from Scouts has got a couple of ideas about that we’ve talked about. He’s sent me a couple e-mails regarding that and what he’s seen.”

That would be Jason Aquino, president of Scouts Consulting Group, who helped Davis Love prepare for the 2016 matches at Hazeltine and who Furyk said has helped the 2018 preparations go to “the next level.”

I can’t wait!