"Lyle Makes Toughest Call"

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Martin Blake for Golf Australia and the horrendous news of the beloved Jarrod Lyle opting to no longer seek treatment. The two-time Web.com Tour winner has twice beaten cancer but will now seek treatment for pain only. 

Ben Everill at PGATour.com talked to several Australians about the life and legacy of Lyle. 

This from Adam Scott:

“I can’t imagine being in that position; it’s unthinkable,” Scott said. “He is one of the best blokes there is. Given all the difficulties he’s had since his late teens, he has lived the best life he could with the tough cards he has been dealt.

“He has done better than anyone would have. He was out on TOUR for so long, playing such good golf while battling illness. He has been through it all. His positivity and general demeanor have been so good and so infectious on others; it’s a good way to think of how I should live my life.”