Villages: Charlie Rymer To Grand Marshal July 4th Cart Parade
/Morning Drive personality and former PGA Tour player Charlie Rymer has been named Grand Marshal of The Villages’ first ever July 4th golf cart parade.
Rymer leading a Villages Christmas cart parade. “What a dream come true to lead the brigade of red, white and blue carts celebrating the U.S.A.’s birthday!” Rymer said in a statement. “With over 100,000 residents and some of the coolest carts on the planet, it should be a great day making America great again!”
After the parade and following at least one ice bath, Rymer plans to sign copies of his new pamphlet published in partnership with Kinko’s, “And Then Charlie To Gary: Wit And Wisdom From Morning Drive’s Game Ball Segments.”
The Villages is the world’s largest over-55 community spanning more acreage than Manhattan. The new July 4th affair joins the Christmas cart parade as a signature event where residents dress-up their vehicles in holiday colors.
Just as he did when Rymer has selected to host a previous Christmas cart parade, he will use the platform to discuss two issues he hopes can influence The Villages residents.
“Obviously cart driving safety is always a top topic at The Villages,” Rymer says. “I’ll be wearing a highly-visible seat belt to remind everyone how important it is to wear one and I’ll definitely have an SPF 50 windshield on my cart to reinforce the importance of sun screening.”
Rymer’s other cause is more sensitive, but equally as important to those who live in The Villages.
“We have to have a frank discussion about the use of ED drugs,” Rymer said. “The black market for Viagra and Cialis has led to so many problems in The Villages and I just want to remind folks that it’s an ok discussion to have with your doctors. The side of my cart will have a reminder that generic Viagra is not happening in your lifetimes, so please, please consult a physician and get a prescription.”
Rymer’s appearance will also feature full Golf Central and Morning Drive coverage, as well as a special edition of The Golf Fixx with Michael Breed where Charlie shows you how to outfit your personal golf cart in ways that may help lower your scores.