The $10 Million Question: What To Make Of Rory's Honesty
/Judging by your comments, Rory McIlroy's pre-Tour Championship comments didn't do himself any favors, as James Corrigan wrote in his Telegraph item on the eye-opening $10 million remarks.Bob Harig tried to decipher McIlroy's post-round one statement in light of the comments and examines the modern player's mindset. I'm not sure if he's convinces those of us wondering if this is that strange moment when fans sense there is simply too much wealth at the pro level.
McIlroy's comments after an opening 66 at East Lake.
Q. Yesterday, you were asked that question about playing for the 10 million dollars, all that, and I'm curious, when you turned pro you were so young, did you ever think about the money then when you were playing? And if so, was it important to get past that to be successful?
RORY MCILROY: No, money's never motivated me. It's never been a motivating factor in my life. My dad and mom together probably earned I don't know, 40, 50 grand a year. Combined. That was sort of our household income.
So it was never really a motivating factor to me because we never had that much to begin with. So, I probably don't -- I mean starting off, I started earning money at 18 years old and earning quite a lot, so I probably don't appreciate the value of money like some other people do. It's just never been that important to me. It's nice, it's nice to have it. It's nice to have that security for your future and for your family's future, I guess. But if I wanted to get into golf for the money, I would be in it for the wrong reasons.
Now, you could say this is wildly hilarious, full-fledged LOL talk coming from someone who took his former agent to trial, money and more money.
Ok I'll say it: he made me laugh very hard.
But once the laughter dies, I'm more fascinated by what kind of moment this could be for the pro game if his claims had gained news traction (they haven't).
Golf's appeal to some, in part, is having athletes who start from scratch every year. They're humble. The game keeps them in touch with some semblance of sanity. While they may have free clubs galore, private jets and courtesy cars, the game still keeps them in line.
Could having a golfer or golfers regularly suggest that $10 million does not mean much to them change that attractiveness?