Last Tiger Poll For 6 Weeks: Good Finish To An Awful 2015?

I was pleased to see Jaime Diaz's positive take on Tiger's 2015 in Monday's Golf World.

As always, it's worth a read as Diaz was in Greensboro and had a good sense of the Wyndham vibe. However, his concerns for Tiger's mental game mentioned on Morning Drive (not posted online) mirrored those of others I heard on various shows and social media. The takeaway went something like this: the failed Sunday was a big setback for Woods and hopes of a return to glory.

As we discussed on Morning Drive, the T10 at the Wyndham has to be put into the perspective of a 2015 which was, in a word, awful. So bad that Coleman McDowell's review of the 2014-15 Woods campaign should be rated R!

Last week, one of the all time greats again put himself in a position to win a PGA Tour event on a course new to him. 

Not historic by Tiger standards, but considering in January he was playing to about a 9 Index, a victory.

This year Tiger's exhibited signs of chipping yips, driver yips and relentlessly dipping five inches at impact with his driver. These are issues not easily overcome even when you are one of the game's most gifted talents. Yet in that context, and knowing he could have shut it down after the PGA with a missed cut, how does he not go into the off-season feeling good?

Obviously there is great fan interest in seeing a comeback based on the CBS/Golf Channel numbers. But most exiting of all was Tiger's decision to show up somewhere new. To have excelled on a new track will hopefully get him thinking about mixing up his schedule, something many of us had advocated for some time. Whether it was not having various demons floating around from past rounds at a course he knows too well or the Greensboro crowd's energy or the de-emphasis on power, or some combination of all elements, Woods benefited from going somewhere new. Let's hope the same happens a few times in 2016.

So a simple poll question:

Tiger Poll: Good Finish To An Awful 2015? free polls