Where In The World Is Whistling Straits? Haven!
/The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Gary D'Amato explains why Whistling Straits is in Haven, Wisconsin (Population 30). Not Kohler (the preferred address of those staying in The American Club), Sheboygan (AP's choice) or even the town of Mosel. D'Amato writes:
The PGA of America and CBS Sports use Kohler as the dateline. In that case, follow the dollar signs, not the ones on the map, because Kohler is 10 miles away.
Technically, Whistling Straits, which will host the 97th PGA Championship starting Thursday, is in the Town of Mosel, a rural/farm community with a population of 781 and fewer than a dozen businesses.
The Journal Sentinel always has gone with Haven as the dateline because County Road FF, which ends at the main entrance to Whistling Straits, passes through Haven about one-quarter mile west of the course.
Haven is unincorporated and consists of about a dozen homes, The Haven Bar & Grill and Richco Structures, which makes roof trusses.
"We call it a 'rural hamlet,'" said Dirk Zylman, the Town of Mosel chair. "My predecessor came up with that, and it kind of stuck."