Cheyenne: The Tiger Questions Are Getting "Old"
/Tiger Woods took to The Players Tribune to complain about Dan Jenkins. And now niece Cheyenne, rising talent that she is, uses the player-friendly outlet to write about how old the Tiger questions are getting.
I'm not sure about you, but this was actually kind of painful reading in the sense that if Cheyenne is taking to a site known largely for fluff to share her frustrations with the constant Tiger questions/comparisons, that what she's revealing here is only a small part of the relentlessness of the questioning.She writes:
The very first time I was compared to Tiger, I think I had to be like nine or 10 years old, right around when I first started playing in golf tournaments. Tiger was getting huge at that point — he was really starting to dominate. At that age, I thought it was really cool that people would talk about it with me. My junior golf coach even nicknamed me Tigress. I loved it because, like a lot of kids, I wanted to be just like my uncle when I grew up. I would dress like Tiger, wearing Nike head to toe. Then, as I got older, people would compare our progress or assume things about me as a person because of who my uncle was, and that’s when it started to get old.
I mean, I get it — he’s one of the most famous human beings on the planet and we share a last name as well as a profession. But let me clear something up once and for all: I love my uncle, and I treasure the advice he gives me when we speak every few months, but I am not Tiger Woods.
Every few months! Even with so many weekends off?