Even Notah Is Laughing At The Glutespeak
/Emily Kay documented Tiger life coach Notah Begay's appearance on the Dan Patrick Show and even someone who has done a nice job balancing his Golf Channel commentator role with his Woods friendship could not stop chortling at the deactivated glutes nonsense.Kay reports:
"Tiger said his ‘glutes failed him,’ whatever that means," said Patrick, to which Begay responded with amusement.
"I think it was ‘the glutes weren’t firing,’ Dan," Begay clarified with a chortle.
After Patrick conceded he had never heard an athlete express, well, anything, in just that way, Begay agreed.
"I think Webster’s is going to add that in the next edition of the dictionary," Begay said, still snickering. "I guess if that’s the place we have to start, we’re way further behind than we originally thought."
On a serious note, injury sufferers can relate Begay's concise view of what plagues Tiger:
"The mechanical deficiencies leaked into his confidence and then confidence leads into doubt, and then it's just an avalanche of doubt and second-guessing after that," he added. "That's kind of what we're seeing, this culmination of physical scar tissue from his injuries, mental scar tissue from playing a lot of bad golf, and now [his] confidence is definitely lower than it's been in a long time." For sure, that’s no laughing matter.
The full interview is worth a listen: