Euro Tour Commish Pelley: "This is theatre."
/I hate to encourage a man who owns more than one pair of blue-framed glasses, but it's hard not to get excited reading John Hopkins' Global Golf Post Q&A with new European Tour Chief Keith Pelley.Why?
He's punching all of the buttons that Tim Finchem covers with duct tape, belly-flopping if he has to: faster play, golfers as entertainers first, a global tour, etc...
I'm too lazy to transcribe, so please hit the link and give GGP some hits. But for the sake of archiving, Pelley's take on golf tournaments as an entertainment vehicle differs in noteworthy fashion from the PGA Tour's view that tournaments are a playing opportunity first and formost, a form of entertainment a distant second.
Pelley's take on golf tournaments as a form of entertainment, first: