Saturday: More Watch Live Champions Tour Than Live PGA Tour

Sure, Madison Avenue will just say that most of The Villages was watching the Champions Tour from San Antonio before their 4:30 pm dinner reservations as the coveted demo still tuned into the Open. And PGA Tour pros, if they were able to tear themselves away from Notre Dame-USC, will say they were going into prime time against a college football game featuring two teams with more groupees than One Direction.

Fair enough. Still, the next time a PGA Tour player gives you attitude, don't hesitate to point out that their Saturday prime time telecast of their season-opening event was out-rated by the Champions Tour!

From SportsTVRatings for October 17, 2015:

CHAMPIONS TOUR  2015 SAN ANTONIO CHP    1:58 PM    5:03 PM    147    0.0

PGA TOUR  2015 FRYS.COM OPEN    5:03 PM    8:30 PM    142    0.0

While the Notre Dame-USC game was running on NBC and siphoning viewers, it's still a pitiful performance from the Open to not out-rate the valiant competitors of the over-50 set.

Especially considering Golf Channel's shockingly huge Saturday night ratings for the live Presidents Cup, which drew a big audience even in West Coast prime time and the middle of the night for those in the east.

Wrap your head around that, wraparound schedule fanboys!