Video: Rory's Up-And-Down At "Extremely Fun" Cherry Hills

It was a lively Thursday at Cherry Hills in part because of the huge galleries and as expected, the old Flynn design still brings out some artistry even if it has to be bathed in too much rough because the ball goes too far. A little firmness went a long way, Steve DiMeglio wrote in his game story.

Though as Gary Woodland pointed out, the firmness rewarded those who would drive it long and accurately, and Phil Mickelson called it extremely fun to play. Randall Mell with both of those reports. Oh and on Phil's return to Cherry Hills for the first time since his U.S. Amateur win, Doug Ferguson filed a fun story on an encounter Phil enjoyed this week.

The first was driveable as expected and Golf Central covered the antics.

And there was this stellar recovery from Rory: