Instant Poll: What Made The Valero Such Agony?

I've awoken from one of the best naps of the year, induced by the effort to stay conscious during the Valero Open final round where the painful week concluded with an even more painful final round slugfest.

Steven Bowditch eventually prevailed with the highest final round score by a winner in 30 years (Ryan Lavner explains), but not before we saw players put on the clock, players made to look ridiculous (hey, how about a little less sand in the bunker faces) and wind wreaking havoc as it seems to do more than ever despite players using glorified Top Flites.

If you watched the Valero, and considering the options (NCAA hoops, Sony tennis, cartoons), I'm wondering what you most attributed the agony to?  know some love this last-man-standing golf, but at a time we are trying to entice people to the sport or keep other around, I can't fathom why anyone would want to play golf after watching this.

Discussion of this poll and these topics is welcomed here, and will be continued Monday on Morning Drive during my regular appearance.

Here's the poll:

What most contributed the sheer agony that was the Valero Open? free polls