Dawson: Rio Olympic Test Event Unlikely
/This is hardly shocking news nor particulary important to your life, but in the weird world of the IOC the International Golf Federation has fired their first serious (i.e. public) warning shot to say that the Olympic golf course situation is not getting better.Delayed by a land dispute and now an owner unwilling to spend the funds to get the job done (the IOC does not control the project, amazingly), IGF President Peter Dawson said the mandatory test event prior to the 2016 Olympic Games is in doubt.
Dawson said on Wednesday: "We are not satisfied. I was down there just recently and, while the design of the course looks really good, the progress with the construction is not where we want it to be.
"There have been meetings held last week in Rio to revise the plan, increase manpower and facilities which is designed to bring the project back on track.
"There have been so many revisions to the plan it's quite hard to say how far behind they are but I think we are going to struggle to get a test event a year before the Games. I'm not writing that off completely but we have to recognise that might be difficult.