Reason To Root For A Monday U.S. Open Playoff?
/We never want to see a Monday playoff at the U.S Open but the scenario floated to LPGA players this week by USGA Executive Director Mike Davis suggests that should a playoff be necessary, but Ron Sirak reports that women playing their U.S. Open starting on Monday will have access to Pinehurst No. 2 beginning at 7 am and once the playoff is over."Roger, what's DeLaet waiting on?" asks Dan Hicks. "Well Dan, they’ve caught Azahara Munoz and So Yeon Ryu who are just hitting some chips around the 10th green. Waiting on them to clear now. Shouldn't be more than a minute.”
Here's thinking that if there is a 9 am Monday playoff and completion by noon, the ladies can wait until the afternoon. Just a thought.
More reasonable, as Sirak reports, is the notion that divots are shaping up to be the biggest concern.
"Let's see if they can pull that off," Lewis said, adding: "Yeah, I'm still apprehensive. They tried to spin it that everything is under control, but the general feeling of the players is that it is going to be a bit of a challenge. The main concern is divots, both in the landing areas and in the collection areas."