Snedeker: I Slow Down To Ensure Fines For Slowpokes

There have been many times I thought the PGA Tour would get more proactive on slow play, only to be disappointed that the Commissioner's strong views on not penalizing a player continues to prevail.

The weekend's antics with Kevin Na added to the debate, but I'm pretty sure Brandt Snedeker's comments on Golf Channel's Feherty Monday night (10 p.m. ET) may just convince the Commish to finally do something.

In a nutshell, the likeable and genuine Snedeker is a poster child for the dream PGA Tour player. And he plays at a nice clip, yet here he is using the opportunity to tell  Feherty that he has to "alter the way i like to play, whereas the guy who is a slow player can do anything he wants to do."

However, he really takes things up a notching revealing that instead of speeding up when his group has been put on the clock, Snedeker slows down to ensure that the slow poke gets fined.