Oy Vey TIME Headline: "Obama Plays Water-Guzzling Desert Golf Courses Amid California Drought"
/I can deal with conservative blogs that just don't like the President and seize on his love for golf as a sign of, something. But when it's under what's left of the Time brand, on a blog called Swampland and in a story by Zeke Miller that is otherwise fairly lucid, you do have to wonder who writes these headlines.Apparently the editorial board of the Desert Sun got so sick of the letters complaining about President Obama's golf last weekend at Sunnylands and Porcupine Creek, that they felt compelled to remind their readers that the entire region was built largely on the game and on the backs of certified golf addicts Dwight Eisenhower and Gerald Ford. And also that Obama is doing his part to help build Sunnylands into the Camp David of the west, as the Annenburg Foundation Trust hopes for the estate (which also recently undertook huge turf reduction).