Today In The Fight To Stop The Rio Olympic Golf Course, Files

You may recall that 23 days ago the Associated Press in Rio reported that developers of the Olympic Golf Course had five days to comply with a judge's order to move three holes of the 2016 course. This was news to the parties building the course and remains so (full disclosure, as you know I've worked with architect Gil Hanse who has had to sadly watch this war on Rio golf).

Not surprisingly, the five days passed and the judge's order never was actually published, an event that went unnoticed by reporters in Rio. Yet the Associated Press has stuck to its story that the course is being built illegally, with Jenny Barchfield and Stephen Wade reporting that prosecutors in Rio have filed a brief to stop the course construction, even as the judge has refused to do so over the many days when the very same judge had been reportedly planning to shut down the project within days (but did not despite the AP report).

Meanwhile construction has continued and is near completion. Mercifully.