Dottie Endorses Suzy's Opponent In PGA Secretary Race
/After the entire Ted Bishop episode related to his presidency, actual attention has turned to the PGA officers race, headed for a vote at the PGA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis later this month. Candidates are vying for positions to have the opportunity of being the next possible officer ousted under ridiculous circumstances. So it was with minor interest that I noted PGA of America Board of Director Dottie Pepper's endorsement of Russ Libby for Secretary over presumed favorite Suzy Whaley, who has practically been annoited the presidency down the road.
Dottie's Twitter endorsement:
Pleased and proud to support @RussLibbyPGA for @pgaofamerica Secretary. #ontoindy
— Dottie Pepper (@DottieandBogey) November 1, 2014
What I didn't realize in all of this was the seriousness of the campaign. Candidates have websites and videos of debates (with fancy podiums!) featuring canned answers! Who knew?
Russ Libby's website is here and Suzy Whaley's site is here. The latter features videos from debates around the country like this one in L.A.