Azinger Not Ready To "Jump On A Task Force"

Somewhere Ted Bishop is saying, "who said anything about jumping? We'll be talking a lot, eating scrumptous appetizers and sitting around telling our favorite Tom Watson stories. No jumping!"

Yes,'s Bob Harig confirms what we first suspected from Jaime Diaz's reporting: Paul Azinger will not be on the blue-ribbon, grand jury sized task force set to try and right the sinking Team USA ship, but has a meeting schedule with PGA officials in November.

"I'm just not ready to sit down and jump on a task force," Azinger said by phone. "I have a scheduled meeting with the PGA of America in early November and I just think it's too soon for me to commit to jumping on a task force."

In my best Seinfeld high-pitched squeal: no jumping here! Who said jumping? Tiger's got a bad back, we don't jump on those! We'll just be sitting. You can even sign copies of your book!