Women Execs: Yes We Like Recreational Golf Too
/Stuart Pfeifer in the LA Times files a short item based on a Harvard Business Review journal story on women execs who also golf.
And who also get embarrassingly bad questions about their game from people who can't fathom that yes, indeed women can enjoy the game while holding down a big job.
Karen Firestone, chief executive of Aureus Asset Management in Boston, said she was surprised by the reaction she received while playing a few holes on a recent weekday afternoon.
"Hey, great to see you. But don't you still work?" one man said.
"So, you've finally decided to retire?" said another.
The reaction was perplexing, Firestone said in a Harvard Business Review article.
"Both men were professionals, as were most people on the golf course that weekday afternoon, and no one was asking them if they still were employed," Firestone said. "So why did they ask me?"
Firestone's full item can be read here and it's an interesting look at the difference between recreational time for men and women in the business world.