Seething Outrage From All Corners Over Golf Channel MLK Tweet!

I think I saw that 9% of the American public supports intervention in Syria where they are gassing children to death, and surely just as few are bothered by the actions of our good, human rights loving friends in Russia, China or wherever else they don't really like people much.

But boy was there (national!) outrage over one of those all-too-commonly-inane Tweets from a big corporate account, this time Golf Channel playing off the anniversary of Dr. King's "I have a dream speech" by asking followers their "golf dream."  By no means was it a fine moment. However, many of us Twitter regulars have become numb to the sheer idiocy of these synergistic ploys to feed off of a current news story/anniversary. Therefore I found the offense pretty tame in light of other world problems.

Nonetheless, Poynter, The Atlantic and Huff Post all captured the offending Tweet and the horrified replies. Keith Olbermann lumped Golf Channel in with Piers Morgan for his "Worst Person In The Sports World" for Morgan's defense before launching in this story.

If there's more outrage, could we direct it not at Golf Channel, but at the "journalism" teachers instructing students to use social media in such utterly vapid ways?

That said, if you'd like to read a super MLK/I have a dream related story and you love sports, check out Tom Hoffarth's story on retired college basketball coach George Raveling, who was there that day and had the audacity to ask the doctor for the hard copy of the speech. Vin Scully talked about it during today's Dodger game and it really is a nice read.