Senator Makes An Ace Playing With The President

An unbylined AP report details Senator Saxby Chambliss' 11th hole ace while playing with President Barack Obama Monday.

Chambliss told reporters upon his triumphant return to Capitol Hill that "everyone went crazy" when he made the shot and there were high-fives all around. The president retrieved the Chambliss' ball from the hole, while Corker took a picture.

"I told him since I made the hole-in-one, he ought to give us everything we want on entitlement reform," Chambliss said with a smile. That's Washington speak for legislation to change benefits like Social Security and Medicare.

A Reuters report by Robert Rampton noted the President's "respectable 17 handicap"--apparently without a trace of irony--but did not mention the ace. She did clarify this for readers, which might explain why she thinks a 17 is respectable!

Golf handicaps are a measure of ability and a lower handicap signifies a better player.

There's a newsflash from the city!