Video: Haas Takes Rain-Delayed Memorial Lead

Doug Ferguson covers Bill Haas' impressive 36-hole Memorial Tournament lead despite an unlucky bogey on 18 and drawing the tough side of the tee time draw.

He also has an update on Rory McIlroy, making a valiant day two comeback in tough conditions, with some hope of making the cut.

Tianlang Guan struggled to a 79 but Gene Wojciechowski reports that he's going to Graceland, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee and is showing signs of maturity (I think that's code for he's playing faster).

Play starts early Saturday with tee times moved up in anticipation of some weather, Helen Ross reports.

The PGA Tour Entertainment package includes Ken Duke's awesome hole-out on 18.

The Nationwide Digital House wrap-up of the day with Ashleigh Ignelzi and yours truly.

And a new portion of my interview with Haas from earlier this week where he talks about becoming a father just two weeks ago.