Friday Sensitive News Dump Files: No. Ireland Not In World Cup

With the 2013 World Cup headed to Royal Melbourne, players are looking at putting on their schedule and the potential for a Northern Ireland team was potentially enticing Graeme McDowell and Rory McIlroy.

But now we learn that is not the case. Doug Ferguson reports.

The PGA Tour issued a statement late Friday afternoon that only England, Scotland and Wales will have separate teams for the World Cup. That's how it has always been for the World Cup. Players from Northern Ireland and Ireland will continue to compete as one team under the Irish flag.

The status quo likely will keep Rory McIlroy away from Royal Melbourne.

McIlroy, from Northern Ireland, had said he would not be playing in the World Cup. When told last week that Northern Ireland would have its own teams, McIlroy said, "That might change things a little bit."

But hey, they're still headed to Royal Melbourne.