Good Thing Brent Musburger Wasn't Announcing At Kapalua!
/Dustin Johnson won the Hyundai Tournament of Some Champions and while it had its moments, according to Doug Ferguson, the reaction first centered on Johnson again teasing us with his epic talent (John Strege has that covered) before the online chatter turned to Paulina Gretzky, interested spectator.Alex Myers provides the speculation on her presence, J.D. Cuban the images.
Meanwhile Brent Musburger is taking some heat prompting ESPN to apologize for the 73-year-old announcer fawning over Alabama QB A.J. McCarron's girlfriend early into the BCS title game.
Mary Pilon's NY Times story on Musberger included this condemnation of the geezer game caller:
“It’s extraordinarily inappropriate to focus on an individual’s looks,” said Sue Carter, a professor of journalism at Michigan State. “In this instance, the appearance of the quarterback’s girlfriend had no bearing on the outcome of the game. It’s a major personal violation, and it’s so retrograde that it’s embarrassing. I think there’s a generational issue, but it’s incumbent on people practicing in these eras to keep up and this is not a norm.”
Generational? That goes for you too, Myers and Cuban! Different generation.
Jason Sobel writes about Johnson's win and all the reasons to envy him and it sounds like Johnson was better prepared than an understandably stunned McCarron was when he realized how much personal life prying was going on.
When asked about his relationship with her after the tournament, Johnson responded, “Does it matter?” When informed that inquiring minds wanted to know, he followed, “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” while a huge smile splashed across his face.
We need to cut Musburger some slack. It’s true that a guy who has renewed his AARP discount card this many times should know what’s creepy and what’s not and what’s the time and place and what’s not. Still, he has this affliction. He is one of hundreds of millions of human beings who carry the Y chromosome. It causes them to shout out the occasional geriatric-perv-whoop.
The difference is, most do it in privacy. Musburger did it on national television. Viewers were shocked -- shocked, I tell you -- to hear a grown man go slightly off his rocker in the presence of a beautiful woman. But it has happened before. The first time it happened to me, I asked the girl to marry me. She said yes. Mumblety-mumble years later, we’re still married and she sat alongside me when Musburger sang his aria to Miss Alabama.