Hostage Tiger's Hangout An "Improvement"; FBI Has Whereabouts Pinned Down To Massive Olympic Club Sofa

Jonathan Wall reports on Tiger's latest social media experiment designed to cut down on facetime with the big, bad media members that so ruined his life, and says the Google+ Hangout was a huge improvement over his last hostage video.

After opening with a couple questions from a member of our Armed Forces and a few fans, Soltau had NBC Sport's Roger Maltbie ask Woods about his time spent playing Olympic Club earlier in the day, and his thoughts on the course.

It was an awkward moment in the chat because it seemed like Maltbie was doing a one-on-one interview with Woods. But after listening to a host of off-topic questions the last time around, it gave viewers a chance to hear Woods' thoughts on the upcoming U.S. Open site, something most people probably wanted to hear about from the outset.