Take That Tiger: Bubba Already More Popular At Isleworth

Well, so says Mike Bianchi, a Second Team All-Tiger Enemy Lister, writing in the Orlando Sentinel about a phone call he got from a "long-time resident of Isleworth" who was "rejoicing" that Bubba won the Masters.

He said residents inside the gates of the exclusive Orlando community have already embraced Bubba much more than they ever did Tiger Woods. And vice versa.

Why? For the same reasons I have previously written about in this space: Because Tiger lived in Orlando for 16 years and never once gave back anything tangible to this community. We were nothing more than an address to Tiger, who has opened up learning centers and continues to hold big-time charitable events in many other cities across the country. He did nothing for Orlando even though he lived here for nearly half of his life.

It seems the residents in Isleworth felt a similar disconnect with Tiger, especially when they compare him to Bubba. Even though Bubba has been renting in Isleworth for only a couple of months, he's made friends, greeted neighbors and become a willing part of the neighborhood.

"What a breath of fresh air, he's been," said the long-time Isleworth resident. "Tiger was here for 16 years and was never, ever a part of the community."