Spitzer Named To Replace USGA's Rugge
/Mike Stachura with the Inside Baseball news of John Spitzer's promotion to the job as USGA technical director Managing Director of Equipment Standards. Meaning he'll be the one making the technical case for a rollback if it happens. Lucky guy!His boss endorses him:
"He's a very solid engineer, and I've relied on his technical skills throughout my time here," Rugge said. "He is a familiar figure to manufacturers and that will be helpful in our relations with them."
Rugge said Spitzer has been an integral part of the "high performing team" that has fundamentally improved the efficiency of the test center in evaluating products for conformance. He pointed specifically to a timer on his his computer that reflects the current "time to decision." "When I started here, that number was 60 days," Rugge said. "Now, it's 17. You can expect that under John this department will continue on a trajectory of making continuous improvement."