Your Complete PGA Show Wrap Up, Here...
/Golfweek has a show blog with a few items, as does John Strege at and Golf Channel gets closest to delivering online viewers what they want with live updates and video reports by Win McMurray.
And that's about all I could find on the PGA Show. If others have some links, let me know.
Now, I don't want to be cynical about the golf equipment industry or the PGA of America, but if you ever want to see just how miserably far behind the golf world is when it comes to marketing its consumables, taking advantage of social media/the Internet and getting people excited about buying stuff, the restricted and light coverage of PGA Show always amazes me.
It was only a couple of weeks ago that coverage of the Consumer Electronics Show was unavoidable. Yet golf actually makes it hard for customers to learn about the latest and greatest stuff when the brains of the stuff industry gather to debut their latest and greatest stuff. So bizarre.