“Working with the USGA can be a challenge – some of their ideas don’t exactly dovetail with ours, particularly from a financial standpoint"

Accepting the 2011 Mustang Scholars Foundation Man of the Year award, Merion president Rick Ill, talked about working with the USGA on the 2013 U.S. Open.

“Working with the USGA can be a challenge – some of their ideas don’t exactly dovetail with ours, particularly from a financial standpoint, because we have to careful how much it costs us [at Merion],” said Ill. “They have certain financial desires, and so do we. But I think the membership of Merion is very supportive of having USGA events here.

I thought the USGA was going to accept that 2013 would be a loser financially, but I guess they are trying to minimize the damage? Sounds fun!