"Getting a glimpse of golf's secret society"

It's not a documentary about sleazy dude who hits his friends up for money and rails on about his court case, but at least North Korea has given the okay for some Irish grad students from Salford University to film an unprecedented amateur golf tournament behind their very closed borders. Dermot Gilleece with the amazing story of aspiring filmmakers Damien Wilson, Alan Dukes and Philip Pendlebury and the break of a lifetime.

"Though we're not into golf, we thought it would be a great subject for our masters degree in documentary production. And Salford are helping us financially. I'll be handling the camera, Alan (23, from Tralee) is the editor and Philip will be directing while helping me with the sound. We leave for China on April 23 and are due to cross the border on the 25th. Then we have six days in North Korea.

"Apart from the university, we are receiving financial support from One World Media, who also provide expertise with documentaries in developing countries," added Wilson.

"Otherwise, we have to fend for ourselves. Sure, there have been lots of offers, including one from the BBC, but only if we return with the goods. Given the extraordinary nature of the trip, I suppose this is to be expected."