"A group of Holocaust survivors, mostly in their 80s, are planning to picket the Allianz golf tournament at Broken Sound Monday morning."

Thanks to Pete Finch for catching and Tweeting this Lona O'Connor story from the Palm Beach Post about Monday's planned picket of the Champions Tour's Allianz event by a group of Holocaust survivors

Their argument is stark: If Allianz can afford to sponsor high-profile sports events, why can't it also pay off the estimated $2 billion in life insurance policies still owed to needy Holocaust survivors, 65 years after World War II?

Survivors say that Allianz first denied claims after World War II and only opened its coffers under pressure in the mid-1990s.

"Is any amount of money going to alleviate the pain?" said Allianz spokeswoman Sabia Schwartzer . "We've never denied any of the allegations. What else should we be doing?"

For starters, coming up with a better quote than that!