Match Play Friday: Looks Like I Picked The Right Day For Jury Duty!

Blowouts and some less than captivating characters made for what looks like a rather ho-hum match play day after two excellent opening rounds. However, tomorrow should be interesting and fun, weather permitting.

I was unable to watch because I was serving my country at the Inglewood branch of the world-renowned L.A. County Court system that gave the world OJ and Robert Blake juries. So I followed the match play on Twitter while intermittently practicing my hardship speech to the judge. Somehow my "self-employed" excuse just didn't sound as great when contrasted with the various cries of cancer, heart ailments, mild autism in the gene pool and other tales of woe. However I did get excused and even better, preserved my dignity. After all, when called upon to explain why I couldn't serve through March 24th to put away the the little home invasion hooligans hear the case of the innocent-until-proven-guilty defendants, I didn't wheel out the "I'm a staff writer for the New Yorker" opening lines. That one actually led to an eye-roll which popped one of my contacts out and slightly tore one cornea ligament in my right eye.*

I tell you though, after hearing about all of the death and misery, I'm ready now to find similar stories in hopes of capturing a GWAA award in 2012! Here are the winners at the risk of sending you into therapy. Here's Golf Digest bragging about their winners and Golfweek touting theirs (including now-former staffers!). If anyone sees a complete list I can link, an address would be greatly appreciated.

*Said New Yorker writer's excuse wasn't going over well with the judge, who kept the lowly scribe around after I left. Lesson: never use the words "staff writer" before a judge deciding your jury duty status.