Pazder's Use Of B-Speak Displays Early Speed In Derby To Replace Finchem

SBJ's Michael Smith shares this from PGA Tour VP and COO Andy Pazder, talking about the AT&T National Pro-Am's smart phone app.

“ and the folks in new media are taking the lead and working with tournaments to develop these apps,” Pazder said. “It’s a tremendous opportunity to deliver more information and enhance the fan experience. Tournaments working on their own app can’t currently deliver the live scoring and other features, but we’re working on ways to get that integrated. Ideally, you’d prefer fans go to the tour app for scoring and the host tournament would deliver additional value for the title sponsor and communicate stories of interest that are unique to that marketplace.”

Deliver. Check.

Integrate/integrated. Check.

Value. Check, check.

Marketplace. Bingo!  Got all the buzzwords in. And this was just an app.

Granted they're only rounding the first turn but Padzur did enter this one at 8-1. Hope he's on your ticket. I've got him in an exacta boxed with Ty and my super fun longshot whose name will not be revealed!