"Personally, I don't think Westwood will turn up unless he feels capable of playing 36 holes a day."

Mark Roe treads carefully around the will-Lee-Westwood-be-ready-for-the-Ryder-Cup question

You'll never meet a more honest or straightforward person than Lee. If he thinks he's fit, then he will play and give 100 per cent - but if he has any doubts that he's not fit enough to do himself or his team justice, then he will make the right decision and he will withdraw.

Within a week of the Ryder Cup he will know his level of fitness and will know what he's capable of. He needs to be ready to swing strong, hard and long at the golf ball and he also knows that he could be required to play up to 36 holes in a day. He must be certain he can cope with that physically.

Personally, I don't think Westwood will turn up unless he feels capable of playing 36 holes a day. It will be difficult for Colin Montgomerie if he suspects somebody of the calibre of Westwood isn't up to playing in every match - but he can rest assured that Lee will be completely honest with him.

Perhaps Captain Montgomerie will be happy for him to play just one round on Friday and Saturday and then a singles match on the Sunday. Monty might need to have that conversation - but hopefully he won't need to.

Forget the 36 hole question...can he play one round without worrying about flubbing a chip or looking like someone who didn't play for six weeks prior to the matches?