"We know, liberals, that you find golf hilariously bougie and pointless."

The cranks at Wonkette take on liberals for feasting on sun baked Congressman John Boehner playing 119 rounds of fundraising golf last year (actually, not true) and the overall golf bashing. Of course, that doesn't stop Wonkette from also bashing golf, suggesting that politicians like Boehner and Obama only took up the game for the schmooze and old boys club benefits.

They did this so they could pretend to like play golf, while “networking” and the like. Golf affords lots of time to do this, because it is incredibly boring, and most of it just involves walking around, or being driven around in a little electric cart. In this way, it is a game more conducive to doing business while relaxing, more so than hipster liberal pastimes like dodgeball, or seeing obscure indie rock bands in sweaty Brooklyn nightclubs. John Boehner probably did a lot of “work” (i.e., destroying America) while golfing.

Also, golf-playing is not relevant to political policy, strictly speaking. Just putting that out there. Plus, we would guess that many of your southern Ohio exurban swing voters, many of whom love golf, drove by that billboard and thought, “119 rounds in a year? That sounds awesome. This Boehner must be a pretty cool guy!”

The email from Blue America promises that this is will be the “first billboard in a series.” Here is an idea for your next one: “John Boehner thinks the global economic collapse in which you lost your job wasn’t that big of a deal.” No more ant pics, though. “John Boehner is orange” and “John Boehner’s name looks like ‘boner’ and so ‘beating Boehner’ makes people think of masturbation, huh huh” jokes are also acceptable.

Naturally, the game should be sticking up for itself in instances like this, wheeling out statistics and in general, defending the honor of the sport. But the people in a position to do that all would just reinforce the stereotypical impression of golf's population having been inundated by millions of Dr. Beepers and Judge Smails'.

So what to do?